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Improving the quality of youth in Bono Region and beyond via Barcamp Sunyani 2023

Improving the quality of youth in Bono Region and beyond via Barcamp Sunyani 2023

network of young changemakers, doers and entrepreneurs can be the fuel and energy for Ghana to develop greatly. It comes with a lot of resources. This mindset motivates GhanaThink members to organize Barcamps in more than 12 locations in Ghana. BarCamp Sunyani 2023 will be the 9th BarCamp in Sunyani and it will showcase entrepreneurs and innovators in the Bono region. This builds upon 120 Barcamps organized in Ghana since the first one in Accra in December 2008. This Barcamp is organized primarily by the  as part of the Barcamp Ghana program. Barcamps are free networking forums where there is learning, sharing, networking and mentoring.

After being to a couple of Barcamps, Patrick Keli Atitsogbuijoined the Barcamp Tema and Barcamp Accra teams around 2014. He mentioned: “Barcamps have made me connect with great people and put me on more interesting projects that I never expected I would work on. It has improved my communication skills and made me do more action with less talk”. He is currently the Barcamp Ghana Marketing Lead (also in charge of designing our Barcamp flyers). He expects to see folks at Barcamp Sunyani 2023, who are craving to do great things. Barcamp Sunyani 2023 is on Saturday, 25th November 2023at Syndicate 9, UENR in Sunyani. The theme is “Finance, Quality, Innovation“. 

Our confirmed resource personnel include Seth Wilson, Rodge Gyabaah Yeboah, Janat Issifu, Debora Abena Boatemaa, Kofi Vinyo, Victoria Adutwumwaa, Rick Okyere, Patricia Effah Kwartemaa, Rev. Gideon Hackman, Robert Mensah, Vincentia Sakyiama, Alexander Obeng Boateng, Esther Awuah Boateng, Lewis Frimpong, Michael Sarpong Mfum, Eunice Asare, Peter Nimbe, Yaa Boateng-Marfo, Saeed Alhassan Tariq, etc. Rukaya Sukah was the first female coordinator for a new Barcamp in Ghana – Barcamp Wa 2015. She stated: “Barcamp has been an eye opening experience for me and I have never looked back since my very first Barcamp, I was blown away by the caliber of mentors but the most important for me was being able to network with the vibrant and self motivated participants. I have formed networks that will last a lifetime”. 

Our confirmed partners include Clean Air Fund, Guinness Ghana, Innovisionak 30, PPAG Sunyani, UENR Local NUGS, Alva, Grassroots Hub, Eusbett Hotel, etc. They support with cash and in-kind services to keep the Barcamps free. The partners would also be organizing breakout sessionson clean air, plastic recycling, amongst other topical issues. In an interview with Greena 95.9 FM in Sunyani, Eunice Asare of Grassroots Hub said they came on board because they also have a mission to ensure mentorship for students, startups and young professionals, just like Barcamps also do. 

Register/RSVP at the BarCamp Sunyani eventbrite website(barcampsunyani23.eventbrite.com). Participants will be inspired and motivated and get information to do things they love to do. There will be a focus on channeling the present energies to promote positive developments and progress for Sunyani and surrounding areas as well. Stay tuned via the #bcsyi hashtag. Stay tuned via our social media on Twitter | Facebook. Join us to move the Bono Region and Ghana forward.

Stephen Harmony Asampana participated in Barcamp Sunyani while he was a student at the Sunyani Technical University. He stated: My journey with Barcamps has been truly enriching, with the networking element being a standout factor for me. Over the years, the connections I’ve made have played a pivotal role in my current position, and these bonds persist. After leading a number of Sunyani Konnect meetups, he is currently the coordinator for Barcamp Sunyani and shared this about the latest #bcsyi edition: “So heading into Barcamp Sunyani 2023, my expectations mirror those of previous years; to expand my network, acknowledging the vital role it plays in today’s landscape (being the new currency in town).” Like many Barcampers, he is eager to reconnect with old friends and forge numerous new connections (at least 100 new friends). It is possible through Barcamp Sunyani 2023! “See you there!!!”


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